Jones Publishing is a full-service publishing & media agency. We offer the most effective solution for authors, entrepreneurs & experts looking to write their next Best-Selling Book.

We specialize in the art of storytelling, positioning, book launch marketing and media pitching to ensure your next book creates real and impactful results for your brand.

Are you ready to write your next Best-Selling Book?

A Few Current & Upcoming Books:

Identity & Messaging 

Our messaging process allows you to sequence your stories & lessons to best help the reader. The best books create a process to help your audience solve a problem & shift their own identity. This messaging sequence creates urgency to continue reading & a process that positions you as the expert. This process helps authors refine their message, create unlimited content, & write a book your audience can’t put down. Our messaging & sequence process gives each author a path to pursue their highest identity..

Interviews & Expert Writing

Once your message is structured, our team interviews you to create the content for your book. We start with our sequenced message, then build an outline, chapter titles and deliver the content chapter by chapter to ensure we are creating the perfect book together. After we receive your feedback, our Wall Street Journal Best Selling writers & editors make changes to the content while working on the next chapters.

Assets & Promotion

After the writing process begins, our design & marketing experts begin working on the brand assets including: Book cover, website, sales pages, pre-orders, image/video assets & the promotional strategy for your book launch. If applicable, this is when our team will begin pitching your book to press, podcasts, publishing partners & book advance opportunities.

Finalize Book & Audiobook

Every chapter is delivered and approved by you, then our writing team will deliver each chapter until the book is completed. Once the chapters are completed, we will begin final edits, add CTA’s, images, format and prepare the book for launch. When the book is finished going through our editing process, it is delivered to you for one final review before publishing. If applicable, this is when we will also record & finalize your audiobook for full distribution.

Launch Assets & 

Offer Creation

Book Launch & Amplification

Your book launch is a celebration of your journey so far and the beginning of your next great story! Your book is well on the way to becoming a Best-Seller and creating impact in the marketplace. We submit your book to Amazon, Barnes & Noble and 40,000+ other online book stores. Your audiobook will be available on Audible & all listener platforms. 

Your book is your vehicle to creating the opportunities you want most. We strategize how to amplify your book via: Social media content, press opportunities, launching a podcast, appearing on other podcasts, speaking on stages, television shows, ads and other opportunities to reach your targeted audience.

Follow a sequenced, proven process that allows authors to shift to higher identities while creating a Best-Selling Book & movement with your message. Our path helps authors build large communities, sell products/services, get on podcasts, land premium press, speak on stages and generate quality high-ticket opportunities on demand.

Our Writing & Publishing Process:

Your book launch is the movie premier for your brand. We strategize a launch strategy for your book. Each book will be different and launch options include: Live events, Barnes & Noble book signings, digital launch, Amazon Best-Seller & Email promotional campaigns. 

Our teams focus is on your most desired outcome for your book. Many of our clients goals include: Sell products/services, create a high-ticket course/offer, build a community, speak on stages, generate leads on-demand and become the authority in their industry. Your book launch will be directed towards reaching your targeted goals.

What's Next Once Your Book Is Published?

We believe that a book is only as successful as the author who drives the brand. Once your book is published, you have established your credibility in the marketplace by becoming a Best-Selling author. Now, you are positioned to grow your audience and build a brand around your book. 

Our authors have gone on to become Forbes Instructors. They have launched 7-figure brands and started Masterminds. They have spoken on the biggest stages, created podcasts, and appeared on television networks. Our authors have been published in Forbes, Inc, Entrepreneur, Success, Business Insider, Mens Journal, Glamour, Huffington Post, USA Today & the biggest publications in the world.

We know the same is possible for you because we have created the path for you. Everyone has a story to tell. When you tell your story and follow a sequenced path, you become the hero of your story while creating a movement that others want to be part of. This is the path to your highest identity, and it starts as soon as you decide to tell your story.

 Are you ready to tell your story?

Your Book Is Just The Beginning...

On average 80% of books never get opened.

Write My Next Book

Write My Next Book

Write My Next Book

Write My Next Book

Write My Next Book



Everyone Has A Story

A Great Book Is Not Enough...








Founder of Elevator Studio & 

100M Mastermind


Worlds #1 Performance Coach & 

Fortune 500 Consultant 


Sold $1 Billion Company & 

$750 Million Real Estate


Founder of Snap Fitness &

Lyft Brands


Founder of Millionaire Matchmaker &

Television Celebrity


Founder of &

Web 3 Founder

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